Andrew Jackson's background was different from previous background because he wasn't rich. He had to work hard to earn his place in the presidency and he also felt for the poor.
He lacked formal education.
Andrew Jackson was criticized for replacing most of the people that had worked for the past administration with his own men. I suspect that previous presidents did the same thing but perhaps to a lesser extent . Jackson had fewer ties with the previous administration than did the presidents before him.
Yes. All of the previous six presidents were from VA ( 4 of them) or Mass. ( 2).
Well here's one: Jackson fired more government workers when he became president than all of the previous presidents put together. Kylie
i believe he is needed for the background of the chorus in "WE ARE THE WORLD"
He vetoed 12 bills during his first term, more than all the 6 previous presidents combined.
what 4 american presidents did mahalia jackson sing for?
Andrew Jackson was a man of the white people. He was prejudiced against Indians because of an Indian attack from his childhood, and it was during his presidency that the Cherokee were betrayed and sent on the infamous "Trail of Tears." In the politically correct 1990's there were some who demanded Jackson's removal from the $20 bill. Jackson was a great general and an American hero, but he was a highly flawed hero. He lacked the education and elitist background of previous US Presidents, which made common people identify with him, but his administration proved to be corrupt nonetheless.
BECAUSE, He didn't wanted people to call him PRESIDENT Andrew Jackson. He wanted them to say GENERAL Andrew Jackson.
Jackson was the first president to use the veto to block legislation that he thought was bad for the country. Previous presidents had used the veto only when they believed a law was unconstitutional . He also made greater use of party politics than had most of the previous presidents.
Andrew Jackson..
Andrew Jackson was the only president (up until then) to have not gone through formal schooling. This was one of the many things that his party, the Democratic-Republican Party, advertised to the voters. His nickname, "Old Hickory" emphasized his common background. His party often mentioned how he was born in a log cabin, and his rags-to-riches background was largely retold. Born to a poor family, his parents died when he was thirteen. Jackson managed to climb the social ladder when he became licensed to practice law at the age of twenty-one, and then married into a rich family. So basically, although Jackson was actually quite well-off by the time he ran for president, he still had a 'common man' background (unlike the wealthy born gentlemen of previous presidents) that upped his popularity, and his vote count.