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  • The elderly who are very ill have little control of what happens to them. Some elderly may have suffered a stroke or are too ill to speak and have suffered abuse either by one or more of their adult children or even some nurses in nursing homes (more common that one thinks.) If an elderly person has not been proven to be of sound mind (and they may well not be of sound mind) family; some lawyers or people of power can fool an elderly person to sign over finances they may have or property and the elderly person is not aware of what they are signing. If at home either the caregiver; some cleaning people; even some nurses who come into the home may steal jewelry or money from that elderly person. Not all caregivers; nurses or any other professional is bad, but there are some out there that consider an elderly person is closer to death than not so why not get what they can from them.
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12y ago
  • If the elder person is being cared for at their children's home it is possible in some instances that the caregiver could be rough; not feed or properly clothe the elderly person or perhaps change any adult diapers that may be used. They may withhold medical treatment by not taking the elderly person their medications on time or not fill prescriptions or to see a doctor or go to a hospital if needed. Some caregivers may even leave the elder person alone for hours and elderly people that are ill; disabled or in a confused state are often terrified of being alone. If the elder person is in a Nursing Home then Administration in some cases has used cutbacks in many aspects required for the good care of the elderly. The children of the elderly person may not even be aware of what is going on even if they do go and visit often. Some nurses can be extremely rough on the elderly or sometimes ignore if they ring the bell for help. It has become more popular that the children of the elderly will use video cameras or other means in the room just to be sure as to how that elderly person has been treated when they are not around. There have been alarming cases of elder abuse in some nursing homes.
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12y ago

People having power in there strength they abuse it very much to defeat the ones they don't like and will take on anyone or the boss has the power to overtake ur life in jobsite. Control is abused by a man in control of his gf/wife making her do things she don't want to or the boss has control on what he or she does on the worksite

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14y ago

Well first of all young people are to be known as IRRESPONSIBLE so if you give someone power they will do things that are not responsible with it when it should be used for something else.

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Q: How power can be used and abused in care setting?
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