Malia is 10 years old born in 1998 and Sasha is 7 years old born in 2001
Malia and Sasha are Barack and Michelle Obama's daughters.
Sasha and malia are the 44th(Obama) presidents daughters
Malia(10) Sasha(7)
Malia Obama was born July 4,1998 and Natasha/Sasha Obama was born June 10,2001. Malia is ten (10) and Sasha is seven (7).
Malia is 10 Sasha is 7
Malia Obama 1998 10 years old Sasha Obama 2001 7 years old
Malia and Sasha Obama are the daughters of former U.S. President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama. Malia was born on July 4, 1998, and Sasha was born on June 10, 2001. They became the youngest children to live in the White House since the 1960s when their father was elected President in 2008.
Malia is 10 years old and Sasha is 7 and that's a fact
Malia is older, she's 10 years old.
Malia and Sasha Obama.
Barack Obama's Kids names and ages are Sasha (11) and Malia (14)