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Federal elections are held roughly every four or five years, unless a minority government loses a vote of non-confidence or the Prime Minister asks the Governor-General to call an election earlier. A couple of years ago a law was passed that says that federal elections must be held every four years unless a vote of non-confidence forces an election, but the Prime Minister who enacted it has already called one election outside that law. The only thing that's absolutely certain is that a federal government mandate can't last longer than five years.


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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

For provinces of Canada, the best description is "whenever they happen, but not more than five years apart." An election happens when the current government fails a "vote of confidence", and thus is no longer able to govern. Some provinces, notably British Columbia, have enacted laws specifying an election date, usually every fourth year, but there is no guarantee that a government will last that long. The British North America Act, which became the Canadian Constitution when it was repatriated, does specify that the longest a parliament may sit without calling an election is five years. That has, very rarely, been stretched to five an a half years by adjourning Parliament before the election is due, and then not reconvening it... but the Queen's Representative does have the power to call an election, if Parliament is unavailable.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Im pretty sure every 5 years =)

Im pretty sure every 4 years =)

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βˆ™ 11y ago

three years

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