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depending on the gerrymandering the outcome can be greatly affected

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Q: How often do apportionment and redistricting affect elections?
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How often do apportionment and redistricting occur?


How often must legislative redistricting be done in Illinois?

How often must legislative redistricting be done in Illinois?

How often is redistricting done in illinois?

Every 10 Years

What does it mean if a congressional district has been gerrymandered?

Gerrymandering occurs when a congressional district's boundaries are redrawn to give one party a clear advantage over another. In the US, redistricting occurs after the results of the Census are tabulated. Redistricting is currently (2012) occurring in the US. Because in most states a state's legislature gets to decide on the redistricting plan, the party currently in power often attempts to give themselves an advantage in future elections by gerrymandering.

What term refers to the redistricting of a state?

The term gerrymandering is often used when referring to the redistricting of a state. The word was first used in connection with Elbridge Gerry, who served as Governor of Massachusetts.

Single interest groups try to affect elections based on?

Single interest groups try to affect the outcome of elections by getting voters to focus on their interests. They often use media to educate the public to their way of thinking and tell what the candidates believe.

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Elections in the Bahamas often occur every 4 years.

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yes they have elections for a new president every 7 years

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How often are Swiss elections?

Swiss cheese!!(:

How often can the number of representatives from each state change?

Yes, state representation is proportional to the population, Every ten years, after the official US census in complete, the number of representatives for each state, which is fixed to total 435, is adjusted to reflect changes in relative population. The change is called re-apportionment. The number of each electoral votes each state gets in based on the number of representatives so presidential election are also affected by re-apportionment.