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= How much will gov take from disability and social security checks?" =

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Q: How much will gov take from disability and social security checks?
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How do they determine how much your Disablility Checks will be for?

Who are "they?" SSDI (Social Security Disability Income" is determined by your contributions to Social Security (the number of qualified quarters you worked and contributed to your SS account). SSI (supplemental security income) is determined by your state rules, having nothing to do with Social Security.

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If social security disability raise is 5.9 percent how much is this?

I believe the raise forpersons on disability is 3.9%. Persons on social security receive the 5.9%.

What does Social Security most look for in its disability paperwork?

The social security office will check to make sure that the person is entitled to social security payments, that he is fully covered, what his illness is, can he work at least part time. They will do a complete check on the background, the type of work they do, how much they earn and more. It can take months before they get back to you so be patient. Then you will not know if you qualify or not. It is not easy to get social security disability checks these days.

Does marriage infect social security benefits including social security disability social security income and social security associations?

If while receiving social security retirement benefits, I get married, can my wife receive thru me, and if so how much if my monthly check is, $1738.

How much is the Social Security Disability Benefit for most people?

Social security benefits vary for each person depending on how much and how long they worked. How much they made will control the outcome of how much they get also.

My husband draws disability from social security when i retire how much will i get from his?

ZERO your husbands disability income has to do with his inability to work and has nothing to do with you in life or death.

How much can a person make beyond their retirement benefits from employment and social security checks?


Can you receive social security disability if your spouse makes too much money?

Your spouse's income is not a factor.

How much will you owe at the end of the year when on social security disability?

Don't quote me on this as I really don't know for sure, but I'm on SSDI, and if I were to get a job that pays well enough for Social Security to say that I don't need them to pay me anymore, I wouldn't expect them to say that all of the checks that Social Security gave me in the past seven years, I would have to pay back. which would be somewhere in the ballpark of $63,000. There would be no way I could ever pay that amount back. Now if Social Security was paying me my checks for all these years and then found out that I was working and getting paid enough where Social Security wouldn't need to pay me and I wasn't telling Social Security, then I believe that Social Security would have me pay the amount that Social Security gave me and if I didn't pay it back, Social Security would sue me.

Can your husband use some of your social security points to get his disability?

Absolutely not! Social Security Benefit amounts are determined by how much was earned for each person. The amount shows up under your social security number only. He has his own social security number along with his own earnings.

Do social security disability income count towards ObamaCare?

Its so hard to get this question answered. Does Disability from Social Security count towards earned income or unearned income when trying to figure out how much credit we would get towards the Obamacare health plan