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Q: How much is a one dollar bill signed by Henry h fowler - secretary of state and Kathryn O Day Graham treasurer of the United States?
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Who is the Treasurer and the Secretary of the USA Treasury?

The Secretary of the Treasury is Timothy Geithner. The Treasurer of the United States is Rosa Gumataotao Rios.

Which state official manages elections and maintains the states records?

the answer is "treasurer"

How many signatures are found on the five dollar bill?

2, the Treasurer of the United States and the Secretary of the Treasury.

Who is the secretary of treasurer?

In July of 2014, the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States was Jacob Lew. He is the 76th person to hold that position.

How many people place their official signature on the dollar bill?

Two: the Treasurer of the United States and the Secretary of the Treasury.

How many signatures are on a US 1 dollar bill?

There are no signatures on a US 1 dollar bill. The dollar bill features the signatures of the Secretary of the Treasury and the Treasurer of the United States on the bottom right side. However, these signatures are printed rather than physically signed.

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Hispantic Treasurer of the United States Hispantic Treasurer of the United States

Can a president also be a treasurer or secretary in a corporation?

Yes, one person can act as president, secretary and treasurer. Historically, corporations were required to have a president and a secretary, who could not be the same person. Modern statutes, however, still require a corporation to have both a president and a secretary but specifically allow the same person to fill both offices. Corporate governance is based on state statutes, so there may be some variation between states.

Whose signatures are on the US 1 dollar bill?

The signatures on the current US $1 bill belong to Steven Mnuchin and Jovita Carranza. Mnuchin was the Secretary of the Treasury at the time the bill was printed, and Carranza was the Treasurer of the United States.

Whose signatures appear on US Federal Reserve Notes?

They're identified right on the bill - the signatures are those of the Secretary of the Treasury and the Treasurer of the United States.

Whose signature appears on U.S. currency?

U.S. currency bears the signatures of the Treasury Secretary and United States Treasurer who were in office at the time the bills were printed. Current practice is to change the date only when a new Secretary is appointed, and to put a small letter next to the date when a new Treasurer is appointed. The date does NOT refer to the actual printing date but instead to the year that the Secretary took office.

What two officials sign US dollar bills?

The small printing underneath each signature identifies the two officials as the Secretary of the Treasury and the Treasurer of the United States.