The value of 50 lima puluh sen depends on the currency being referred to. If it is referring to Indonesian rupiah, then 50 lima puluh sen would be equal to 500 rupiah (as 1 lima puluh sen is equal to 10 rupiah). However, if it is referring to Malaysian ringgit, then 50 lima puluh sen would be equal to 0.50 ringgit (as 1 lima puluh sen is equal to 0.01 ringgit).
1 Sen was worth about as much as 50 dollars is worth today
1 sen=0.00152449 50 sen= o.0762245
it is not 50 sen like what that idiotsaid A 50 Sen bank-note, depending on the condition, can be worth from $10.00 to $50.00.
It is 400 riel
See here.
1 1964 satusen how much worth in us dollars
It is worth approximateley 12839401274904,294812894812347813927123947`29037414890273957239045902375908238957902375902739052739057USD It is worth approximateley 12839401274904,294812894812347813927123947`29037414890273957239045902375908238957902375902739052739057USD
I have a water colour painting by Tony Warren of The three masted schooner Frau Minna Peter Sen. Would it be worth anything.
The Great Imperial Japanese Government issued notes between 1917 and 1922 denominated in 10 Sen, 20 Sen and 50 Sen. A Very Good crisp condiction 10 Sen from that period is worth between $1-$3. Mint condition uncirculated ones are worth $8-$20 depending on specific issue.
About 1 cent
I'm not sure for certain, as the date wasn't long ago it probably wont be worth much-I would keep it for a few more years so then it may become more valuable.