

Best Answer
Pay for a DoctorPhysicians have among the highest earnings of any occupation. According to the Medical Group Management Association's Physician Compensation and Production Survey, median total compensation for physicians in 2002 varied by specialty, as shown in table 1 (below). Total compensation for physicians reflects the amount reported as direct compensation for tax purposes, plus all voluntary salary reductions. Salary, bonus and/or incentive payments, research stipends, honoraria, and distribution of profits were included in total compensation.
  • Brain/doctor:$450,00-$650,000
  • Anesthesiology: $306,964
  • Surgery, general: $255,438
  • Obstetrics/gynecology: $233,061
  • Psychiatry: $163,144
  • Internal medicine: $155,530
  • Pediatrics/adolescent medicine: $152,690
  • Family practice (without obstetrics): $150,267
  • ER doctors get paid 215,000+ a year (This is from the Medical Group Management Association, Physician Compensation and Production Report, 2003, as reprinted in the Department of Labor's career outlook handbook.)

Also note that self-employed doctors who own or are part owners of their medical practice generally have higher median incomes than salaried physicians. Also note that earnings vary according to number of years in practice, geographic region, hours worked, and skill, personality, and professional reputation. Here is more input from others:

  • My dad is a doctor and I know he makes between 200-250K a year, but I think this question can really vary depending upon if the doctor specializes in a certain type of surgery (might be much higher) or is a new doctor just starting his residency practice (might be much lower). My dad works in the emergency room as well as family clinics but doesn't do any kind of surgery. Hopefully a surgeon or other type of doctor can elaborate on this for you.
  • The pay ranges really depend on specialty. Surgeons make 200k+. Some surgeons (specialists) can make 400k+. Primary care physicians (internists) make more like $135-170K depending on experience. Also, salary ranges are completely dependent on your area of the country, educational background, etc. It's all calculated on a case-by-case basis.
  • A psychiatrist in the government working for the VA makes about 180,000+ after gaining seniority.
  • An internal medicine MD (or physician) makes around 125,000+ for the government. Typically, neurosurgery or anything dealing with brain physiology & plastic surgery make around 500 dollars an hour.
  • There is no exact amount that doctors get paid, it depends on your level of work. Doctors who have more experience and have been in the business longer will be paid more than rookies. Although, if rookies showed exceptional talent they might be paid more than average rookies. Altogether doctors are said to be paid more than the average everyday job. It depends on the fact if they're a pediatrician, surgeon, nurse, doc, etc.
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10y ago
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13y ago

Okaii I dont know for every hour but I know for a year!

In general, doctors can earn anywhere from less than $100,000 to upwards of $400,000 a year. Their earnings are affected by a number of factors. Highly trained specialists, such as dermatologist and ophthalmologists, usually make more than generalists, such as family practitioners. Also, doctors in private practice can earn more than those in salaried positions.

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8y ago

I know that some doctors get paid at least $500,000 a year, which is about $240 an hour.

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14y ago

It depends, there are a lot of careers as doctors in the medical field.

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10y ago

Depends on the doctor, like for instance, a pediatric cardiovascular surgeon makes $762,846 a year (USD) about. So, it really depends on your expertise in the medical field.

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11y ago

A doctor gets paid 3900 a month for 58 hours

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13y ago

~ 10,000 - 15,000 $ per month [in USA]

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12y ago

$100,000 in the game of life

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12y ago

around $30 k-$50k

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Q: How much do doctors get paid during residency?
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How much do pediatricians make during their residency?

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After doctors graduate medical school, while they are in residency, they do get paid. They don't get paid much, but they do get a paycheck. In the case of pediatricians, the last 3 years of that 11 years are paid.

When do student doctors start getting paid?

They generally start getting paid for performing the role of doctor in residency / internship after graduating from medical school.

How do you get paid during residency?

Residents are paid a salary from the hospital they complete their residency training at. The salary varies by hospital, but can average between $30,000 and $50,000 per year.

How much family doctors are paid?

family doctors are paid at about 150-175k a year

Do you get paid in a residency as a radiologist?

Yes. The average salary is between $50,000 and $70,000 per year, during radiology residency training.

Alternative medicine practioners should not get paid as much as regular doctors.?

Alternative medicine practioners should not get paid as much as regular doctors.

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How much do doctors get paid Worldwide?

a lot

Does a person becoming a plastic surgeon get paid during residency?

no because thay will not be starting right away.

Do you get paid during your heart surgeon residency?

Yes you do. It could be between $30,000 to 50,000 per year.