No. Nurses make more
How much does a Registered Nurse make?
An average registered nurse that works in the urban area of Illinois earns about $31.50 per hour.
$200,000 a year
A registered nurse can make around 35,000 dollars a year in the Netherlands. The more experience they have, the more they earn.
A registered nurse can make about 32.72 US dollars an hour in Yakima, Washington. This equates to an annual salary of about 68,116 US dollars.
37.68 an hour
Around $11.5 thousand.
A registered nurse in Charleston, South Carolina will make about 67,000 dollars per year. This will increase as they gain knowledge and experience in the field.
Salary of a Registered Nurse: According to the US Census Bureau, the estimated mean annual wage for a registered nurse as of May 2008, is $65,130. A Registered Nurse Gets Paid Roughly About $42,968 A Year Working In A Hospital, Emergency Room Or Doctors Office.