Most probation officers will start out making close to $14 to $15 per hour. The more experience they have, the more money they will likely make.
The pay of a probation officer will vary from State to State. The salary per year can be as high as $100,000
No, a juvenile probation officer cannot make you sell your car. Probation officers can set conditions related to the juvenile's behavior and adherence to the terms of their probation, but they cannot force the juvenile to sell their car.
A probation officer or juvenile counselor is typically responsible for preparing the predisposition report for juvenile justice. This report includes information about the juvenile's background, family, school, and previous offenses to help the judge make an appropriate decision on sentencing or rehabilitation.
I did a search in Trovit's salary tool and found that the average is $81,000. I will attach the link below so that you can see the salary tool and search for probation officer job listings as well.
Probation officers work for all levels of the government. They work with people who have committed a crime but don't have to go to prison. Many probation officers work closely with the courts as well.
Check with your probation officer. You have to tell him, anyway. It depends on what your conditions of probation state. In Tucson, there is a condition of probation that states you must report any contact with law enforcement. Failure to report contact would be a violation. Your best bet is to be upfront with your PO before he/she finds out, which they will. If the PO believes you are trying to hide or lie about this, it will only make it worse. Good luck and stay in school.
In Texas most of the probation officer's pay comes from the state, it can start as little as 31,000 / year and maxes around 44000
There would probably still be a warrant for your arrest on the violation of probation.
A worker can earn around 35,000 dollars a year or more. It depends on their position they hold in the detention center. Juvenile workers tend to be somewhat underpaid.
A probation officers average income is 45,000$ a year
I am interpreting your question to mean, "Can the police notify your probation officer that you are making a complaint against a police officer?" The answer is "yes." The police can make contact with your probation officer at any time, for any reason, and convey any information they care to disclose.
Neither actually, Probation starts either A. the first time you make contact with your Probation Officer (Supervised) or B. when you are finally sentenced to probation (unsupervised)
Depends on where you are located in the country. I'm in a small town in West Texas and have been a probation officer for 5 years now and only earning 34K per year. I work for the County. Federal Probation Officers make much more.