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Pay is dependent on the soldier's rank and corresponding pay grade, time in service, and any additional allowances they may be entitled to.

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Q: How much does a army soldier get paid a week?
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not alot 1,000 a week my cuzin is in it

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How much did a soldier get paid during World War 2?

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I think they were paid around 28 shillings (£40.21) a week!

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It would take a lot of math to calculate a precise answer. The Roman army was not paid weekly, as the Romans had no week as we know it. (The closest thing in ancient Rome to our week was an eight day expanse between market days. )The army was paid every 4 month, according to existing records. An example from the records of the Emperor Domitian is of a soldier getting his stipendum of 247 drachmas. Out of this he had 222 drachmas in deductions, leaving him with 251/2 drachmas. All this for 4 months of work. Don't feel too sorry for him, there were other way for a soldier to add to his income.

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They will get paid $35.36 for that week.

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