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approximately 320 lbs.
Wm. H. Taft weighed well over 300 pounds (some say 350 or more).
he weighed over 300 pounds!

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6y ago
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6y ago

Wellm, I'm doing a report on him. He was 335 pounds, and 6 foot 2.
He Weighed 335 pounds

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14y ago

President William H. Taft is reported to have weighed over 300 lbs.

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13y ago

He weighed over 300 pounds (140 kg) but lost approximately 80 pounds (36 kg) after leaving his presidency. His weight at death does not seem to be recorded.

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15y ago

335 lbs.

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189 lbs

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335 lbs

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335 pounds

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Q: How much did William Howard Taft wiegh?
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How much pound did William Howard Taft weigh?

William Howard Taft weighed MORE hat 300 pounds. He weighed 334 pounds.

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How much did William Howard Taft way?

he weighed more than 300 pounds

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The son of William Howard Taft, Robert Taft ,was an influential Senator and much considered as a presidential candidate. John Quincy Adams , son of John, was also a Senator before he became president.

How much money did William Howard Taft earn as president?

75,000 dollars. one of the highest salary jumps in the early 1900s

Where did William H. Taft die?

William H. Taft passed away at the age of 73 on March 8, 1930, having retired five weeks earlier as Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court for health reasons. No autopsy was ever performed, but his lifelong battle with obesity (at times, he weighed over 300 lbs.) meant that he probably had a number of related health issues, such as high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and a much greater chance of having a fatal heart attack.

What did William Howard Taft do before politics?

Before entering politics, William Howard Taft served as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. He was also the Solicitor General of the United States and a professor of constitutional law at Yale Law School. Additionally, Taft held various positions in the federal government, including Governor-General of the Philippines and Secretary of War under President Theodore Roosevelt.

Three things in which William Howard Taft had difficulty with?

Three things that William Howard Taft had difficulty with were his inability to please both progressive and conservative factions of his party, his overweight physique and health issues, which affected his overall energy and ability to campaign effectively, and his lack of charisma and public speaking skills, which made it challenging for him to connect with voters.

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um i think they all wiegh 90

What happened to President Taft?

After leaving the presidency in 1913, William Howard Taft taught law at Yale University and later served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1921 to 1930. He continued to be involved in politics and helped shape the administration of President Herbert Hoover. Taft died in 1930 at the age of 72.

How much does a hamster wiegh?

About as much as a hamster.

Who was the heaviest presideent?

William Howard "Big Bill" Taft who frequently tipped the scales at over 300 pounds , maybe as much as 350 pounds, was the heaviest US president. A related fact is that Taft needed a larger bath tub for the White House . Four of its workers could fit in it compared to one president fitting in it.