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I heard that you have to do 4 years of medical school and 3 years of internship and residency is this true?

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Q: How much continuing education is required for a pediatrician?
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How much education is required for a baby doctor?

After high school, a baby doctor or pediatrician is required to complete four years of college and four years of medical school. After graduation of medical school, a pediatric residency of two years is also required.

How much education do you have to have to be a pediatrician?

4 to 6 years of medical school to be exact

How much does pediatrician make a year?

a pediatrician can average between $120,000.00- $200,000.00 but it depends on your education and how good of a doctor you are some pediatrician make more than that amount.

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After receiving a degree your friend will not have to do much more education. Only if she is interested in higher education or administration.

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The requirements to become an EMT are different for each state. Continuing education classes and time spent in an ER or ambulance is required. Total training is usually between 35 and 55 hours.

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Law students must complete 3 years of graduate studies (so generally 4 years of undergrad plus 3 years of graduate level at law school)

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How much money does a pediatrician earn in Georgia US?

a pediatrician earns about 115,000-150,000 ( no i didnt miss a decimol point :) but the pay is very gool nedd to have a good collage education and you will need to be able to work hard.

How much does pediatrician get paid hourly?

It depends on the pediatrician business you work for.

How much high school education do you need to be a pediatrician?

Well you will need to go to college to be a pediatrician so you have to either get your GED or high school diploma. I suggest you get your diploma.

How much schooling is required for a heart transplant surgeon?

Normally, 4 year bachelors degree, 4 years medschool, 5 years internship and residency 2-3 years fellowship plus studying for board exams and continuing education.

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How much time is required to complete education in welding depends on the type of welding education you are seeking. The American Welding Society webpage is a great place to get answers, and for Canadians, the Canadian Welding Society.