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Q: How might congress react if a president took actions with which disagree?
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Its intended purpose is to prevent a President or other officials of the Executive branch from having members arrested on a pretext to prevent them from voting a certain way or otherwise taking actions with which he or she might disagree. source: wikipedia

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Why might some people disagree with the elastic clause?

Some people may disagree with the elastic clause because they believe it grants too much power to the federal government. They argue that it allows for an expansive interpretation of the Constitution and can be used to justify policies and actions that go beyond the original intentions of the framers. Additionally, they may feel that it infringes upon the rights and powers of individual states.

What happens when the public disapproves of the presidents goals?

I am not sure what you want to know. Modern presidents are sensitive to public opinion. They announce most of their goals in their campaign and if the public disapproves, the candidate does not usually get elected. Of course, it is not unusual for portions of the public to disagree with the majority. Modern presidents pay attention to polls to try to get a sense of the public reaction to what they are doing. As to what the public can do if they disagree with the president's policies. Peaceful protest is always allowed. The president can be defeated if he runs for another term . The public can exert pressure on Congress and Congress can make it hard for the President to advance unpopular goals that he might have.

What if the president could fire justices of the supreme court of he didn't like a ruling they made?

This would essentially put the supreme court under the president and let him decide the constitutionality of laws if Congress agreed with him. However if the opposition controlled Congress, the president might fire the whole court and Congress might refuse to confirm his new appointments and chaos would result.

What are the pros and cons of having the president and Congress of the same political party?

One of the cons of having the president and congress be from the same political party is that there might not be a balance and that it might not represent Americans properly. One of the pros of having the same political party for president and in congress is that there is less opposition to pass the bills and law that they want to pass.

When a veto by a president might be used?

When the President doesn't like a bill which can be overturn with a 2/3 Majority by but house of congress

Can a president decide the price of taxes?

Federal taxes are decided by congress, not the president, although he might have some effect on their decision.

When might the president ask congress to hold a special session?

The president ask congress to hold a special session when the two houses cannot agree on a date to adjourn or in an emergency situation.

As the president and the executive department implement and enforce a law they might need what?

Congress is in charge of making laws. The president only approves the bill or not, but he doesn't make law. This insures that the president doesn't become a king or dictator. Lately we have had a man in the executive branch who doesn't understand this concept and has tried to make laws without congress. The end result is these actions have gone to the federal courts.

What if the president could fire justices of the supreme court if he didnt like a ruling the made?

This would essentially put the supreme court under the president and let him decide the constitutionality of laws if Congress agreed with him. However if the opposition controlled Congress, the president might fire the whole court and Congress might refuse to confirm his new appointments and chaos would result.