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Q: How many years were sharks alive before dinosaurs?
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What features do sharks have for there habitat?

Sharks have been around for 400 million years,before the dinosaurs have been a live.

How do you know that sharks are older than dinosaurs?

Fossils of sharks have been found dating back to the Silurian period, more than 200 million years before the first dinosaurs.

Did the first sharks appear after the dinosaurs?

Sharks appeared long before the dinosaurs. Their oldest fossils date back to somewhere between 450 and 420 million years ago, before there were land animals and when few plants had even colonized land. The first dinosaurs didn't appear until 230 million years ago. The sharks also outlasted the non-avian dinosaurs during the K-T extinction 65.5 million years ago, and they will probably continue to swim in the oceans for hundreds of millions of years to come.

What dinosaurs were alive 145-65 years ago?

There have been no dinosaurs alive for millions of years, let alone last century.

How many dinosaurs were alive during the rvolutionary war?

None. Dinosaurs had been extinct for approximately 65 million years before the start of the Revolutionary War.

Have sharks been on the earth before dinosaurs?

No, but sharks were there at the time of dinosaurs but at the end of the Mesozoic Era. Eras: Cenozoic Era ( Present-day) Mesozoic Era (dinosaur time) Paleozoic Era (blast of organisms (more complex)) Precambrian Era (4.6 billion years ago, simple organisms form)

How many years ago were dinosaurs alive?

Dinosaurs were extinct 65 million years ago. Dinosaurs were on Earth for 180 million years, but dinosaurs are still here but as birds.

Did the sharks live as long as dinosaurs lived?

no they lived 150million years before the very first dinosaur evolved and still live today!

How long have sharks survived on earth?

thay were around when there were dinosrs

Are parrots in the time when dinosaurs were alive?

In the sense that birds are dinosaurs, and thus that dinosaurs are still alive, yes. However they were not alive when non-avian dinosaurs were around. Parrots did not evolve until a few million years after non-avian dinosaurs died out.

How many years were the dinosaurs alive?

They lived for 160 million years

How many years have sharks been around?

Sharks have been around for around 450 million years, making them one of the oldest species on Earth. They have survived multiple mass extinctions and have evolved into various species with unique adaptations.