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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

There is no fixed number of years of service required to be selected as a Civil Affairs Officer (CAO). However, it is generally expected that officers or NCOs have a minimum of 3-5 years of relevant experience in their respective fields to be considered for selection. Other factors such as performance, education, and leadership potential also play a role in the selection process.

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Q: How many years of service must an officer or nco have to be selected as a CAO?
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You should be in the pay grade of E-5 thru E-7 (enlisted) and officer any grade. E-7 and above are Senior Non-Commissioned Officers not E-6s in the Army.

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You should be in the pay grade of E-5 thru E-7 (enlisted) and officer any grade. E-7 and above are Senior Non-Commissioned Officers not E-6s in the Army.

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You should be in the pay grade of E-5 thru E-7 (enlisted) and officer any grade. E-7 and above are Senior Non-Commissioned Officers not E-6s in the Army.

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You should be in the pay grade of E-5 thru E-7 (enlisted) and officer any grade. E-7 and above are Senior Non-Commissioned Officers not E-6s in the Army.

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