Zoe, Zoë, Zoey, and Zooey are the most legit and probably the most common. But you could go creative and do Zoie, Zoee, and even Zooeigh.
Some alternative ways to spell the name Zoe are Zoey, Zoie, Zowie, and Zoya.
How many ways to spell Nicola
Some alternative spellings for Zoey include Zoe, Zoie, and Zooey.
The name "Zoe" is spelled Z-O-E.
How many ways can you spell soul
Zoe is spelt the same in English and Polish.
How many different ways can you spell miya
Zoe is the british way to spell it, Zoey is the American way.
Zoe, or Zoê (from ancient Greek ζωή, meaning life).
i think there is 2 ways to spell alex
There is lots of ways to spell Sophie such as:SophieSofieIf you were to spell Sophia:SophiaSofia
You can spell it a bunch of different ways hoe!!