As of 2014, the War on Terror is an ongoing war. A report in 2011 says that over one million US soldiers have served in some way with the war.
Because terrorist and terror organizations are located in many locations around the planet.
Enable partner nations to counter terrorism
Pakistan is Fighting a Major War on terror on its own soil since 2004, According to Pakistan and the UN it has suffered the most damage on its economy and national Stability as Global War on terror Ally
Unfortunately, all veterans of the US Civil War are dead.
the 9/11 attack
War causes terror, so how can war be a solution to terror?
WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam. Persian Gulf War and the Global War on Terror
The difference's was that world opinion thoughts were the Korean war was somewhat a political war whereas world war 2 vets were viewed as very necessary and important to the global political structure.
The 'War Against Terror' is still ongoing, so, not enough, it would seem.
As of December 2008, there are about 409,800 surviving veterans in Australia.
15 ww1 veterans are alive.