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It depends on the state. The number of representatives is based on the population.

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Q: How many senators does each state get to represent it?
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The state of Georgia is represented by 56 state senators.

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What determines how many state senators represent Iowa in the US senate?

Each state has 2 senators in the US senate.

Each state is allowed to have how many senators represent them in the national government?

Each state is allowed a maximum of two senators, and a minimum of one, based on population.

How many senate represent Oklahoma?

2. Each state is represented by 2 Senators.

How many members represent each state?

Two senators per state, the number of representatives varies according to the population of each state.

How many state senators represent New York?

The state of New York is represented by two Senators. Each state in the union is represented by two Senators. 50 states equals 100 senators.

How many state senators represent Oklahoma?

There are 48 Oklahoma State senators.

How many senator represent tx in the US senate?

Each state gets two Senators.

How many sentos are in congress?

There are 100 US Senators in Congress. Each of the 50 states have 2 Senators to represent the state in Congress.

How many representatives are their?

There are 438 Representatives in the House based on the population of the state. There are also two Senators that represent each state.