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Tennessee has 11 electoral votes, so it has 9 representatives.

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It has 99 State Representatives.

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Q: How many represenatives does Tennessee send to the state house of representatives?
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How many US Represenatives does Tennessee send to Washington?

The U.S. House of representatives includes 9 members representing Tennessee. The Tennessee General Assembly has 33 members in the state Senate and 99 representatives in the state's House of Representatives.

How many state representatives are there in the Tennessee House of Representatives?

There are 99 seats in the Tennessee House.

How many state representatives does Tennessee have?

Tennessee has 9 representatives in the US House of Representatives

How many Representatives represent Tennessee?

The U.S. House of Representatives has 435 members. Tennessee has 9 representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives.There are 9 representatives from Tennessee in the U.S. House of Representatives.

How many members are in the Houe of Represenatives?

There are 435 members of the US House of Representatives. The number of representatives from each state is based on the state's population.

What is the name of the state representative in TN?

The Tennessee General Assembly has 33 members in the state Senate and 99 representatives in the state's House of Representatives. A list of the current representatives can be obtained on the internet if you search for "Tennessee House of Representatives".

How is number of House of Representatives determined?

the number of represenatives for each state is based on that states population

How many delegates in the state of Tennessee?

The Tennessee General Assembly has 33 members in the state Senate and 99 representatives in the state's House of Representatives.

How many house of representatives members are there in Tennessee?

Nine in the US House and 99 in the State House of Representatives.

Every state has how many represenatives?

Each state has a different number of representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives. The number is based on the population of the state, with a minimum of one representative per state.

What is the total number of represntatives in TN?

The U.S. House of Representatives has 9 members from Tennessee. The Tennessee General Assembly has 99 representatives in the state's House of Representatives.

How many state represenitives does Tennessee have?

It has 99 members of the State House of Representatives and 9 members of the US House of Representatives.