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George W. Bush was the Governor of Texas, Bill Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas, George H.W. Bush was never a Governor, Ronald Reagan was Californis's Governor and Jimmy Carter was the Governor of Georgia.

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16y ago
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16y ago

There have been 42 men who have served as President (there were some people that served in similar roles before the actual Presidency existed). Of those 26 were not governors. 16 were governors.

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14y ago

I count seventeen. They were Jefferson(VA), Monroe(VA), VanBuren(NY),Tyler (VA),

Polk (TN), A. Johnson (TN), Hayes (OH), Cleveland ( NY), McKinley (OH), T. Roosevelt ( NY),

Wilson (NJ), Coolidge(MA), F. Roosevelt(NY), Carter(GA), Reagan(CA), Clinton (AR) and

G. W. Bush(TX).

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10y ago

Seventeen US presidents were also former state governors. They were: Thomas Jefferson (Virginia), James Monroe (Virginia), Martin Van Buren (New York), John Tyler (Virginia), James K Polk (Tennessee), Andrew Johnson (Tennessee), Rutherford B Hayes (Ohio), Grover Cleveland (New York), William McKinley (Ohio), Theodore Roosevelt (New York), Woodrow Wilson (New Jersey), Calvin Coolidge (Massachusetts), Franklin Roosevelt (New York), Jimmy Carter (Georgia), Ronald Reagan (California), Bill Clinton (Arkansas) and George W. Bush (Texas).

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Q: How many presidents were governors before becoming us president?
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