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No president other than FDR served for more than 8 years.

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Q: How many presidents have served for ten years other than Roosevelt?
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Which presidents served longer than 8 years?

Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only president who served for more than eight years. The rule of only two whole terms (8 years) wasn't established until after his death in 1945. He served 12 years total and died early in his 4th term.

Which president spent the least amount of time in office?

Franklin Roosevelt was the only one to serve more than two terms and will remain the only one unless the Constitution is changed.

How many years did the 4 presidents on Mt Rushmore serve?

Washington and Jefferson each served a full eight years, Lincoln just over four, and Roosevelt nearly eight.

Which president served 12 years in office?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt served 12 years in office.

What is the average number of years served by us presidents?

Presidents can only serve for 2 terms. 4 years are in a term.

Has there ever been a president who has served a10 year term?

No. The longest most Presidents have served is 8 years, and Franklin D. Roosevelt was in office for just over 12 years. Even if someone had been U. S. President for 10 years, he would not have served a 10-year term. All U. S. Presidential terms are and have been 4 years. Those who served more than 4 years served multiple terms.

Who served as president of the US from 1901 to 1909?

Theodore Roosevelt served during these years.

How many presidents served eight years?

no one knows

How many terms did Franklin Delano Roosevelt win as President?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt served a total of four terms which was the most a President had ever served. His four terms also lead to the creation of the 22nd amendment for limited terms of all presidents. Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected U.S. President four times, and he served a total of twelve years and 39 days until his death in April, 1945.

Did anyone have 3 Vice Presidents?

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only U.S. President with three Vice Presidents: John Nance Garner was V.P. for almost eight years, Henry A. Wallace was V.P. for four years, and Harry Truman was V.P. for three months.

How long was Roosevelt president?

he served 16 years if you are talking of Franklin roosevelt

Which president served the most consecutive years?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt served three terms and died during his fourth, in 1945