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well i did some resarch and its about 95 a year its going out off stlye

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Q: How many people buy air force 1 a year?
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How many people were in the air force in 1979?

The Air Force numbered about 557,000 in 1979. The entire military of the United States that year was just over two million.

How many people in the Air Force fought in the Vietnam war?

60,000 people in the war fought the air force of vietnam.

How many people in the air force?


How many people joined the airforce in a year?

The number of people who join the Air Force in a year can vary. Recruitment numbers can be influenced by factors such as military needs, economic conditions, and recruitment efforts. It is recommended to refer to official Air Force recruitment data for specific numbers.

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it can Depend in which Country your talking about

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There is a lot of people in the air force because they want to keep the people that are serving in are country and they want them to be safe and keep saving our solders

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Korean People's Air Force was created in 1947.

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People's Liberation Army Air Force was created in 1949.

How many airplanes does the air force have?

Not an answer but which Air Force? US, UK, France, Germany, Japan??For the US Air Force, the Air Force Association publishes a magazine called "Air Force". Once a year, they dedicate an issue with all the facts on the USAF, including history of aces and names of top ranking Generals and Sergeant of the AF. It usually lists the types and number of aircraft operated by the USAF.Also, recommend "Jane's All the World's Aircraft".Another source is the magazine "Air Force" that is published for members of the Air Force Association but is available in many libraries. Once a year, it publishes a large issue that includes a summary of the aircraft, personnel, generals etc.

Best AIR FORCE in South East Asia?

Vietnam People's Air Force

What year was the us Air force established?

U.S. Air Force(USAF) was established on Sep 18, 1947.