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The funeral of President John F. Kennedy is one of the most well known funerals in the history of the United States. There were six limousines in the President's funeral procession.

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Q: How many limousines in JFK's funeral?
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Keith C. Clark was the bugler who sounded Taps at the funeral of John F. Kennedy on November 25, 1963 The who story can be found here:

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Limousines should have seat belts, unless classified as a bus.

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Why do cars turn on their lights while driving in a funeral procession?

It"s a convoy of sorts- an organized procession-so- all participants have the running lights-Position On. I would imagine hearses and limousines used by Funeral directors have beefed-up electrical systems ( generators, distributors) rto handle the extra load.

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January 20 1961

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What company has a limo service in Houston?

There are many options for limousines in Houston, Texas. The list is as follows: Royal Carriages Limousine Inc., Elite Limousines of Houston, Sam's Limousine, Houston Limo, and River Oaks Limousine.

How much do limousines cost?
