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there are 5 living US vice presidents: * Walter Mondale (still living) * George Bush (still living)* * Dan Quayle (still living) * Al Gore (still living) * Dick Cheney (still living)

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15y ago
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13y ago

Besides the current office holders, ex-presidents George W. Bush, his father, George H. W. Bush, who is also an ex-vice-president, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter are all living as of the date of January 20,2012. . Living VP's are Walter Mondale, Dan Quayle, Al Gore, and Dick Cheney.

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12y ago

In the summer of 2012 there are six living U. S. Vice Presidents, one current and five former. That is ALL vice presidents elected in 1976 or later!

  1. Walter Mondale (elected 1976)
  2. George H. W. Bush (elected 1980 and 1984)
  3. Dan Quayle (elected 1988)
  4. Al Gore (elected 1992 and 1996)
  5. Dick Cheney (elected 2000 and 2004)
  6. Joe Biden (elected 2008)

Not only is every vice president back to the 1976 election still alive, but every Democratic Presidential candidate back to and INCLUDING 1972 is still alive!

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11y ago

There are five former vice presidents of The United States of America still living.

They are... And the president they served under...

Walter Mondale (Jimmy Carter)

George H. W. Bush (Ronald Reagan)

Dan Quayle (George H. W. Bush)

Albert Gore (Bill Clinton)

Richard (Dick) Cheney (George W. Bush)

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4y ago

Update: add Joe Biden, Mike Pence, delete George HW Bush

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12y ago


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