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Employers with 15 or fewer employees are not subject to random (general schedule) OSHA inspections. However, they can still be inspected if an employee files a complaint or there is a reportable event such as a workplace fatality.

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The Fiscal Year 2010 Budget for OSHA authorized funding for 2,335 FTE (full-time equivalent) positions. The FY2011 budget request calls for 2,360 FTE positions.

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Q: How many employees are required to have a OSHA inspection?
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How many bathrooms are required per person in a commercial building?

The number of restrooms in a workplace is a requirement that is set forth by OSHA. For 15 employees, only one restroom is needed. For 150 employees, six restrooms are needed. More employees that 150 requires one restroom for every 40 employees.

What industry does OSHA not cover?

Federal OSHA does not cover:State an local government employees employees in states that do not have a State OSHA programMost federal employees, although many federal agencies require an equivalent level of safety from their own program

OSHA How many restrooms are required per workers in a work place?

One toilet seat and one urinal are required for every 40 workers.

What is the OSHA requirement about training employees?

"OSHA training" is a process by which someone learns about the requirements contained in some portion of the OSHA standards and regulations. OSHA training programs such as the 10 hour and the 30 hour programs are designed to educate all of the workers about certain hazards at work and proper operating procedures. These are some of the secrets in making sure that all workers are safe during operations.

What are the OSHA certification requirements?

There are many regulations under the OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Act. The act provides guidelines for employers for providing a safe and healthful workplace. You can find complete OSHA laws and regulations online.

Does osha require a lunch room with air conditioning provided by a manufacturing company of condensers and heat exchangers?

No, OSHA does not require a lunch room that has air conditioning, condensers, or heat ex-changers. The only thing OSHA regulates is that employees must have a set amount breaks depending on how many hours they are working per day.

How do you determine the number of employee for a company?

it is required about how many employees work in a company

Who trains for OSHA?

It is usually one of the jobs or responsibility of a company or an organization to give OSHA training for their workers and employees. In places where this training is not required, those workers who likes to maintain their jobs or have future in their career trains for these courses as this courses aims to educated them about the new stuffs in their industry and how to be safe while working and how to produce a smoother operation - and organizations and companies are prioritizing people with this training in terms of searching for new ones or deciding in who to keep. Many people become certified trainers to offer classroom courses for OSHA training through an OSHA Training Institute Education Center (OTI). However, there are also course providers that are licensed through these training centers to offer osha training or trainer courses online.

What is the objectives of OSHA?

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, OSHA's role is to assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women; by authorizing enforcement of the standards developed under the Act; by assisting and encouraging the States in their efforts to assure safe and healthful working conditions; by providing for research, information, education, and training in the field of occupational safety and health. For more information, visit Our Services OSHA and its state partners have approximately 2100 inspectors, plus complaint discrimination investigators, engineers, physicians, educators, standards writers, and other technical and support personnel spread over more than 200 offices throughout the country. This staff establishes protective standards, enforces those standards, and reaches out to employers and employees through technical assistance and consultation programs. The Public We Serve Nearly every working man and woman in the nation comes under OSHA's jurisdiction (with some exceptions such as miners, transportation workers, many public employees, and the self-employed). Other users and recipients of OSHA services include: occupational safety and health professionals, the academic community, lawyers, journalists, and personnel of other government entities. Service Improvement Plan OSHA is determined to use its limited resources effectively to stimulate management commitment and employee participation in comprehensive workplace safety and health programs. Surveying Our Public At OSHA, we are dedicated to improving the quality of our efforts and know that to be successful we must become an agency that is driven by commitment to public service. The first step is for OSHA to listen and respond to its customers. Accordingly, we conducted a survey to learn more about what employers and employees think of OSHA's services. Because workplace inspections are one of OSHA's principal activities and because voluntary efforts to improve working conditions ultimately depend on strong enforcement, our survey focused primarily on the inspection process. We asked a random sample of employees and employers who had recently experienced an OSHA inspection what they thought of the inspection in particular, and of OSHA's standards and educational and other assistance activities in general. Service Standards We based OSHA's new standards for public service on what we learned from the survey, from meetings with employee and employer groups, and from focus group discussions with workers from many plants and industries across the country. Our public service improvement program will be an ongoing one. We will continue to gather information on the quality of our performance in delivering services in areas not included in this year's survey, particularly in the construction sector. Next year, too, we plan to learn more about public response to our assistance and consultation programs.

Why or why not is OSHA still necessary?

OSHA Training - Do I really need it?-Some people have this kind of question with their OSHA requirements. They believe that the guidelines and provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration are just for inexperienced people and should not be a big problem, unless someone makes them undergo the training. Smart and professional people, however, know that even though such trainings are not mandatory, complying to certain standards or procedures, such as OSHA compliance, is important in an organization, whether big or small - proper training means better execution of the job. Workplace safety shouldn't be taken lightly. Too many organizations have had to pay heavy consequences for OSHA violations occurred - thinking that complying is just a waste of time. If companies lose millions of dollars in OSHA fines for simple violations, then you just have to think, is it really that much of a waste of time for workplace safety? It is just right you'd want to protect your organization from any problems whatsoever, including OSHA violations. Therefore, you should follow every rule and comply with every requirement - maybe even at times that OSHA training is not required. Make your workplace safe, get your people safe, and protect your organization.

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How many men toilets are required for 100 men employees?

A general guideline is to have one toilet for every 25-50 employees. Therefore, for 100 men employees, 2-4 men's toilets would be required. This may vary based on the specific circumstances and local regulations.