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As of 2021, it is estimated that Going Rogue by Sarah Palin has sold around 2 million copies worldwide since its release in 2009.

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What does Sarah Palin's new book 'Going Rogue'mean?

The title of Sarah Palin's book is "Going Rogue". "Rogue" means to be pleasantly mischievous, frolicsome, a scoundrel, a scamp, someone who steps away from the rules. (Many people on television are misreading the word "rogue" as "rough" or "rouge").

What does Sarah Palin's new book title Sarah Palin Going Rogue mean?

The word "Rogue" refers to not following all norms and principles, or to going it alone, without the support of one's "herd". In the words of Sarah Palin, "Going Rogue" means "having the liberty to express my feelings without being coerced by my staff or the media. It is the freedom to not have my speeches twisted. It is telling whatever I want regardless of established norms and principles." In the book "Going Rogue" Sarah Palin is a politician of fierce character separating herself from the main herd and apparently leading a solitary life.

Did Sarah palin publisn any books?

Yes, Sarah Palin has published several books. Some of her notable titles include "Going Rogue: An American Life" and "America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag".

Was Sarah Palin's book 'Going Rogue' ghostwritten?

Not officially. There is only one name on the book, that of Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin has openly acknowledged that Lynn Vincent was a collaborator in the work. In Wikipedia Lynn Vincent is listed as a "collaborator", under the section on "Going Rogue". Interestingly enough, the Wikipedia article on "Lynn Vincent" lists him as "co-authoring" the book "Going Rogue". Make of that as you will. It boils down to that she clearly had some degree of help. How much help she had will more have to be based on how people like or dislike her, because neither Sarah or Lynn is saying anything else at this time.

Is Going Rouge by Sarah Palin about her life?

Its not "by" Sarah Palin a ghost writer wrote it, but yes it is a biography about her life.

How many copies did My Life by Bill Clinton sell in the first week?

NEW YORK (AP) - "Going Rogue" is going big.Publisher HarperCollins said Friday that Sarah Palin's memoir sold 300,000 copies its first day, among the best openings ever for a nonfiction book. In 2004, Bill Clinton's "My Life" debuted with sales of 400,000 copies. The year before, Hillary Rodham Clinton's "Living History" started at 200,000."Going Rogue" was released this week and its print run already has been increased from 1.5 million copies to 2.5 million, HarperCollins announced Friday. Palin, the former Alaska governor and GOP vice presidential candidate, is in the midst of a nationwide promotional tour.AP News service 11/20/2009

Is Sarah Palin going to be your next President?

Probably not.

How old was Sarah palin when she had track palin?

Sarah Palin was 24 years old when she had her son Track Palin.

What is Sarah Palin's birth name?

Sarah Palin's birth name is Sarah Louise Palin.

Does Sarah palin do drugs?

No, Sarah Palin does not do drugs.

What is Sarah Palin's favorite book?

Who knows? She's never been asked that question directly, as far as we know. Probably her favorite book is one of those on which she collaborated, "Going Rogue" or "America By Heart."

What is Sarah palin's race?

Yes, Sarah Palin is Caucasian.