All categories of business and industry are covered by OSHA standards, except for sole proprietorships.
There are many websites online that offer free OSHA forklift training and test courses. One such website is
an osha inspection begins when the osha compliance officer
an osha inspection begins when the osha compliance officer
There are many websites available that offer OSHA safety courses. One of the most popular websites is, where they offer free OSHA training.
OSHA is short for Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and they have regulations for many job descriptions to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. If you are certified by OSHA that means you pass their health & safety standards.
There are many classes available regarding OSHA regulations. You can take these classes online at
Any toxic material in a workplace regulated by OSHA is subject to OSHA handling and protection requirements. Most are not mentioned by name in OSHA regulations; only about 500 have any such specific mention, and only a literal handful have comprehensive standards covering them.
OSHA contracts are contracts in which OSHA is one of the parties to the contract.
40,000 investigating officers. (2012)
30 days