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Q: How many active duty members in the coast guard?
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Related questions

What is the difference between active reserves and active National Guard?

There is an acronym AGR which stands for active guard reserve. This is for members that are on active duty with the Guard or Reseves.

Does the coast guard have a twenty rear active duty retirement plan?


What is the Army population?

About 550,000 active duty personnel and another 550,000 reserves and National Guard members.

How many people are in the coast guard?

According to the biography of the Commandant of the Coast Guard (, there are 42,000 on active duty, 7,000 civilians, 8,000 reservists and 34,000 volunteer auxiliarists.

Does the National Guard make your house paynents if call to active duty?

Not likely. You would still be responsible for house payments. However, you would be paid some amount by the National Guard, probably more for active duty. No. While on active duty you receive regular duty pay and benefits, not from the National Guard (or Reserves), but from the Federal Government (Army, Navy, Air Force) (Marines & Coast Guard fall under Navy). Also time served on active duty counts toward retirement.

Does it cost money to join the coast guard?

No, signing up for the Coast Guard, both Active duty and reserves is just like anyother military service, and "they" pay you. If you're interested in a non commital Coast Guard type job, there's always the Coast Guard Auxilary. Try going to their site at cgaux (dot) org.

How many people are serving in the military in 2010?

In 2010, there were around 1.4 million active-duty military personnel serving in the United States Armed Forces. Additionally, there were approximately 850,000 reserve and National Guard members.

What do active duty mean?

It's used to describe soldiers and other service members for whom military service is their primary occupation; i.e., they are service members full time. This is opposed to reservists, who soldier on a part-time basis.

What does a platoon guide do in the Army National Guard basic training?

There is no Army National Guard basic training. It is basic training at one of the US Army's active duty training base. All active, reserve, and guard members train together as one. The platoon guide is basically a leader of the platoon.

What is the smallest branch of the military?

The US Coast Guard has the lowest current enlistment.

How can the word coast guard be used in a sentence?

The coast guard is on duty to assist boaters in trouble along this shore.

How many Americans serving in US military?

As of 2021, there are approximately 1.3 million active-duty service members in the United States military. This number includes all branches of the military: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Space Force.