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Some might expect that since the Irish Free State was NEUTRAL during WW2, NONE were awarded. However, 4 Irish from independent Ireland won the award in the second World War. 1 from Northern Ireland won also, a Catholic from the Falls Road, West Belfast. It's worth mentioning that a large percentage of the small Irish Army actually deserted to go over and fight in the UK forces. In fact, larger numbers from the Irish Free State served in UK forces than from Northern Ireland. It should also be noted that most Irish V.C. awards date from the 19th century*. After that, for political reasons including nationalist agitation against recruitment, many Irish were much less inclined to join up. This is on top of a trend that can be seen as a steady decline in their percentage of the British Army from the 1830's, when they were the largest nationality in the army, to the beginning of the Boer War when they made up 12% of the army and 11% of the population. This trend reflected both a decrease in percentage of the UK population as well as emigration of young men and increasing nationalism and feelings of injustice resulting from the policies of the UK. During World War 1 Ireland, partly because of the lack of conscription there as opposed to other parts of the UK, had a slightly lower percentage of its population in uniform than England, though slightly more than Sotland and signifigantly more than Wales. *(Between the founding of the award, during the Crimean War, until the start of the Boer War the Irish percentage declined from around 1/3 to the above mentioned 12% yet for most categories of other ranks, such as privates, lance corporals and corporals, various sergeants, musicians, etc. the Irish held the highest number of V.C.'s. during the period)

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11y ago

The Victoria Cross has been awarded 17 times since WW2 (inc one VC Of New Zealand and three VC’s Of Australia)

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A total of 628 were awarded in WWI.

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A total of 628.

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Thirteen have been awarded following WW2.

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Q: How many Victoria Crosses have been awarded since the end of World War 2?
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Who are the 12 people who have been awarded the Victoria Cross since World War 2?

There have been 13.

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The Victoria Cross has been awarded 1,356 times to 1,353 individuals.

How many Victoria crosses are there left as they are made from 2 guns there must be a finite amount?

It is estimated that approximately 80 to 85 more VC's could be cast from this source. A single company of jewelers, Hancock's of London, has been responsible for the production of every VC awarded since its inception.

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The Newbery was first awarded in 1922. Since then it has been awarded every year.

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Johnson Beharry is famous for being the first recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest military decoration for valor in the British armed forces, since the Falklands War. He was awarded the medal for his courageous actions in saving the lives of comrades during the Iraq War in 2004.

How many Medals of Honor were awarded in World War 2?

Did you mean: How many Medals of Honor were awarded in WWII? If so, it was around 432, plus about a dozen more since then for WWII.

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There have been a total of 103 Nobel Peace Prizes awarded since 1901.

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the gurkhas No, the Gurkhas have only been awarded 1 VC since end of WW2, The Parachute Regiment has been awarded 3 in that time

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The Nobel Prizes awarded since 1969 include Peace, Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Economic Sciences.

Is the purple heart equivalent to Victoria cross?

Absolutely not. The United States' Purple Heart is awarded for injuries sustained in a theatre of combat. It was originally awarded in a different form during the American Revolutionary War. What is seen now has been awarded since the 1930's. It bears the image of George Washington, the first president of the United States. Many servicepeople in the United States Armed Forces have earned one. The Victoria Cross was institued by Queen Victoria in the 1850's. It was to award only the most heroic actions on the field of battle. In the United States, the Congressional Medal of Honor is the closest equivalent. However, the Victoria Cross is awarded on a much more selective basis. It has existed for a decade longer than the Congressional Medal of Honor and has been awarded less than half as frequently. The Victoria Cross is usually bestowed on the recipient or the recipient's relatives by the King or Queen of England. The Congressional Medal of Honor is almost exclusively bestowed on the recipient (or relatives as mentioned above, in the case of the recipient having actually died as a result of the honored actions) by the President of the United States. The Purple Heart is usually awarded by a commissioned military officer, rather than a head of state.