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Seven U.S. Presidents previously served as Ambassadors:

John Adams - The Netherlands (1782-88), United Kingdom (1785-88)

John Quincy Adams - The Netherlands (1794-97), Prussia (1797-1801), Russia (1809-14), United Kingdom (1814-17)

James Buchanan - Russia (1831-32), United Kingdom (1853-56)

George H. W. Bush - United Nations (1971-73), China (1974-75)

Thomas Jefferson - France (1785-89)

James Monroe - France (1794-96), United Kingdom (1803-08)

Martin Van Buren - United Kingdom (1831-32)

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Q: How many US presidents have served as ambassador prior to being president?
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I count six -- Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Quincy Adams, VanBuren and Buchanan were Secretaries of State before being elected president.

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