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the Marines call it boot camp. its 12 weeks long

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 9y ago

12 weeks

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Q: How long is marines basic?
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How long is a basic training for the marines?

It is 4 months long it is broken up into three phases

Where do US Marines go for basic training?

Basic Training (or Basic Combat Training) is a term exclusive to the US Army and Air Force - the Marines refer to it as Boot Camp. US Marines attend their Boot Camp either at MCRD Parris Island (in South Carolina) or MCRD San Diego (in California).

What basic skills do marines use?

Some of the basic skills that marines use include physical fitness, marksmanship, communication, and leadership. They receive extensive training in these areas to ensure they are physically and mentally prepared for combat situations. Additionally, marines are trained in basic medical skills and survival skills to handle emergencies and operate in various environments.

Can obese people join the marines?

It all depends on how well you do in basic training

What does it mean when you enlist in the marines one year in advance?

very simple, if you enlist in the marines a year in advance that means you are in the marines and you are doing the Delayed Entry Program, that means that you are required to basic training within that year.

What are the main differences between the Royal Marines and the US Marines?

The Royal Marines are a much smaller body of men who receive a longer and more intensive basic training and more advanced training in special operations skills.

How long do marines last in combat?


Does a Marine have to go through basic if he switches branches?

No they do not, but if someone wants to switch branches into the marines they must go through marine basic

How long was huell howser in the marines?

2 years

How much do marines get after basic traning?

It depends on their rank.

How long did Samuel Nicholas serve in the Marines?

From 1775 to 1783.

What is the difference between the military and the marines?

Marines are part of the military, many will argue that the Marines are the best/highest trained military branch in the US military (now im not saying that there arnt special forces for other branchs that arn't better then Marines, all im saying is for basic training i'd have to say that the Marines are the best)