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There are phases of training, the firs is Special Forces Assesment and Selection (SFAS) which last 3 weeks more commonly known as hell weeks. this is the try out to be even considered. if you survive this then next phase is Special Forces Qualifications Course (SFQC) which is the basic SF training, here you learn small units tactics unconventional warfare etc. after this depending on your SF job you are sent to and individual school to learn your specific job within the SF units. other schools and training such as SERE Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape school and LRRP Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol school will also need to be passed. at some point in your training you must learn at least another language as well because you will spend a lot of time with foreign people to train. overall the whole training process is like 2 years. being a top special forces soldier isn't obtainable in a 2 week course my friend.... it is a long a tedious task. hope I helped!

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If you cant answer this, good luck joining the Green Beret. Be ready for so much hell that you will be crying for mommy at the start.

Couple Years.

---Ex-Green Beret---

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You get your Beret in the 24th week on training dureing the Pararescue Recovery Specialist Course

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No, Tiger Woods has never served in the military. His father Earl woods was a green beret. Tiger accredits his success to his father training him in the same way that he was trained as a green beret.

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His father was a major influence in his training, he used his knowledge of green beret training to help Tiger become the golfer that he is today.

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He wore the Green Beret-Lesley Miller

Where is Commando Training stationed?

The Commando Training is stationed in Lympstone in Devon. By completing the training program the soldiers earn the coveted green beret. The training station became active in 1943.

How old do you have to be be in the green berets?

Entry level into the US military. The training is such, that a man would be at least 18 or 19, or older before he could even win the "beret." The process is long.

How do you make it through us army green beret training?

Fitness, determination, intelligence and a positive mental attitude are just a few of the attributes you will need.

Who is the best female green beret?

There are no female green berets.

Who made soldiers wear berets?

The origins of the Green Beret are in Scotland during the Second World War. US Army Rangers and Office of Strategic Services (OSS) operatives, who underwent training from the Royal Marines were awarded the Green Beret upon completion of the grueling and revolutionary commando course. The beret was not authorized by the US Army among the Rangers and OSS operatives who earned them.

Is there a green beret hall of fame?

This is a very special award. JFK authorized the Green Beret in 1961. Approximately 85 men have been inducted into the US Army Special Forces Green Beret Hall of Fame as of summer 2012.

Who was the publisher of Green Beret?

Skyhorse Publishing