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Q: How long does the court system go through judicial review?
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When the supreme court declares a law as unconstitutional we have an example of what?

judicial review

Why do some bills go through judicial review and some don't?

A bill, which is legislation that has not yet become law, never undergoes judicial review. Laws may be subject to judicial review only if they are part of a case being heard by the court. If a law's constitutionality is never challenged in court, it never goes through judicial review.

How did the court's get the power of judicial review?

through the Maybury vs. Madison decision

How did the court get power of judicial review?

through the Maybury vs. Madison decision

What do the Federalist Papers say about Judicial Review?

Hamilton had written that through the practice of judicial review the Court ensured that the will of the whole people, as expressed in their Constitution

The process by which a court system interprets the laws and finds them constitutional or unconstitutional is?

Judicial review

How did the Supreme Court get rid of judicial review?

It didn't. Judicial review is the US Supreme Court's greatest power.

How did the court gets the power of the judicial review?

through the Maybury vs. Madison decision

How does judicial review fit into the system of checks and balances?

The Supreme Court is able to review acts of Congress if the constitutionality of the act is questionable.

How did the Supreme Court exercise judicial review in the early 1900s?

Actually, the Supreme Court has been exercising Judicial Review since 1803.

What terms best describes the supreme court ability to review court cases?

Judicial Review

How do you get the money from a personal loan?

Through the Judicial system - take them to court