How long does it take to get from tunbridge wells to brighton by bus
About 6h55 (including the bus transfer from East Midlands Airport to Derby railway station) via Derby, Newport, Swansea.
If your bus is traveling at a constant speed of 40 kph it will take an hour.
on a bus how long would it take to go from atlanta ga. to charlotte North Carolina
about 10 stops
About a week.
about as much as a bus
Depends where in Wales you want to go... Trains can be taken from London to Cardiff in the South, or through Bangor and Holyhead in the North. You could also make an internal flight to Cardiff. Or drive, or take a bus.
It obviously depends on the average speed of the bus.
That would depend on how fast the bus was going.
There is no such shuttle bus
because the bus takes a while da:)