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if you have been living in separed houses for 16 year but still married to your spouse can you still receive part of their social secuity? if so have long do you have to be divorced from them

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Q: How long do you have to be divorced to collect on social security?
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Can you collect on your husbands Social Security Disability if you are separated?

If she was married to him for at least 10 years, she can. See the Related Link below for more information.

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Can you collect unemployment if you receive Social Security in Connecticut?

Yes, as long as you qualify for each of them individually.

Can you collect both unemployment insurance benefits and Social Security benefits at the same time in the state of Idaho?

Yes, you can collect both Social Security and unemployment benefits at the same time in Utah, but the state will offset your weekly unemployment check by 50% of the weekly value of your Social Security payments.

Can you still collect unemployment and Social Security in the state of Ohio?

Yes, as long as you qualify for each of them individually.

Does Michigan unemployment allow you to collect Social Security too?

Yes, as long as you qualify for each of them individually.

Can a nonresident collect social security retirement benefits?

In the US Social Security System, citizenship is not a requirement, so yes, a non-citizen can collect Social Security as long as all other requirements are met. See the Related Link below.

Can your wife collect Social Security if you receive unemployment in Minnesota?

Yes you can collect both, as long as you qualify for each.

Can you collect unemployment in Texas if you are on Social Security?

Yes, if you qualify for the unemployment and, for Social Security, the only question then is if it is early or for the full benefits

How long do you have to be married to collect your deceased husbands social security?

The widow or widower of a deceased person who worked long enough can receive benefits. Generally, you must be married to the deceased person for at least nine months to qualify for benefits based on your spouse's Social Security benefits.Generally, a divorced person can collect under the former spouse's benefit if the marriage lasted at least ten years and the applicant must be unmarried.You can find more information at the Social Security Administration website.

Can you collect unemployment benefits if you collect Social Security?

Yes, if you meet eligibility requirements for both programs. New York repealed the Social Security offset regulations that reduced unemployment compensation for people who were claiming both benefits. Both Social Security and the State of New York allow workers to collect unemployment and Social Security at the same time without applying a penalty to either check.

Can you collect Social Security at the same time you receive service connected disabilty?

Yes, as long as you qualified for each of them individually.