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How is social work legislation made?

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How can you identify legislation relating to general health and safety in health or social care?

Legislation relating to general health and safety in health or social care can be identified by researching specific acts and regulations such as the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 in the UK. These laws set out the legal requirements and responsibilities for employers and employees to ensure a safe working environment in healthcare and social care settings. Additionally, consulting with regulatory bodies or industry-specific guidelines can help identify relevant legislation.

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Andrew Whittaker has written: 'Research skills for social work' -- subject(s): Social work education, Social service 'The Financial Services Act 1986' -- subject(s): Great Britain, Financial institutions, Law and legislation

What was social legislation in Australia in 1901-1914?

its is it

What does social legislation mean?

Social legislation is important because it makes sure that human rights are protected. This type of legislation also improves poverty conditions.

What is the purpose of legislation?

the purpose of a legislation is to make laws and help keep congress organized.

What has the author F Pennings written?

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What is the difference between labor law and social legislation?

Labor law specifically deals with regulations related to employment, such as wages, working conditions, and employee rights. Social legislation, on the other hand, encompasses a broader range of laws that aim to protect and support individuals' social welfare, such as healthcare, social security, and education. Labor law is a subset of social legislation, focusing on the rights and obligations of workers and employers.