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Congress meeting nearly year round gives the President more opportunity to persuade Congress to do what he wants. The Vice President really has more influence, though, as he presides over the Senate

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Q: How has the presidents ability to influence public policy been affected by the fact that congress now meets year round?
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How has the presidents ability to influence public policy been affected by the fact that Congress now meet nearly year round?

kir, kos, kon, la pa, la sine

What is an example of the presidents ability to check the power of congress?

The president can veto bills that are proposed to him, address Congress formally, and appoint justices to the USSC that are favorable to his political views and can use judicial review over Congress.

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by overriding a presidential veto with a two third vote

How would you describe the success of President Carter in his ability to work with Congress?

Carter did not have a good working relationship with Congress, and it greatly affected his ability to get his legislative agenda passed. The tension between the White House and Congress only grew throughout his presidency. President Carter would lose his reelection bid to Ronald Reagan.

Name 4 powers congress has?

1. The ability to pass laws 2. the power to impeach 3. the power to veto a presidents bill 4. to vote something unconstitutional

Which of the following is an example of the presidents ability to check the power of congress?

The supreme court can make sure the president doesn't abuse his power by deeming laws bills passed by the president unconstitutional.

The presidents ability to kill a bill by holding it for ten days while congress is not in session is called?

The president's ability to kill a bill by holding it for ten days while Congress is not in session is called a pocket veto. This occurs when the president does not sign the bill into law and also does not return it to Congress with objections within the ten-day period. As a result, the bill does not become law and is effectively vetoed.

How can the president introduce legislation to the Congress?

The President has the opportunity to establish an agenda for Congress by advocating for specific policies. Presidents also have the ability to use their position to take their case directly to the American people, which can impact public opinion, and consequently, impact Congress.

Congress has the ability to appropriate funds to be spent by the federal government.?

Congress has the ability to appropriate funds to be spent by the federal government.

What is impeachment an example of?

Impeachment is the functional embodiment of sovereign rule of the people as exercised through Congress' Constitutional mandate. Impeachment confers upon the Congress one of the ultimate powers of checks and balances in the ability to remove presidents, justices and civil servants.

What house of congress has the ability to filibuster?

The Senate.