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Congress forms committees that have the power to investigate issues that fall withing its jurisdiction. These committees can subpoena witnesses to testify before them under penalty of perjury. The recent example is George Mitchell's committee to look into illegal steroid use by Major League Baseball players. Congress oversees regulation of drugs and in this particular case, the special exemption from laws against monopolies the Baseball has. Unfortunately, in the case of the bailout and many other issues Congress has failed to use that oversight. Richard Shelby (R-AL), the ranking Republican on the Senate banking committee, says Congress didn't require the banks to disclose exactly what they were doing. "Congress should have known that this was a rush to judgment - this was unprecedented. It was a lot of money that was thrown at a problem," he says. "There was not enough accountability in the language; there was not any real oversight." His concern that the bailout program lacks internal controls is also being expressed by the Government Accountability Office. The GAO adds that, so far at least, there's no way to know if the money is aiding the economy as intended.

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by Authorization, appropriations and investigative measures.

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Congressional oversight activities generally take place at the committee and subcommittee level.

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Q: How has Congress used its power of Congressional Oversight?
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