

Best Answer
  • Wash your face with warm water and a gentle facial cleanser once in the morning and once in the evening. A gentle cleanser is recommended over standard soap, since standard soap can be too abrasive for the skin on your face and may cause irritation.
  • You should also wash your face any time of the day that it gets notably dirty with sweat or oil.
  • If an itchy rash develops as your facial hair grows in, try using a dandruff shampoo two to three times weekly to relieve the irritation.
  • Switch to an exfoliating facial cleanser once a week to strip away dead skin cells.
  • After washing your face, use a moisturizing facial lotion to keep the skin hydrated and to prevent dead skin cells from gathering and clogging up your follicles.
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Q: How grow mushtache or beard faster?
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How do you growth beard faster?

Grow up ! Lol

Is there any way to make your beard grow faster if you have fuzz?

Shaving a beard makes it start to grow faster. --Shaving your beard is but only a myth, some have the ability to grow a beard relatively fast, while others do not, look at members of your family and generally you will fall into some category of that sort.

Does a blond beard grow faster than a blond beard?

blond and blond is the same thing

How can you make your beard grow faster?

i dont know lol

How long does it a beard to grow after you start shaving?

well the more you shave, the rougher it is and the faster it grows but usually 1-3 months for a beard

Does blonde beard grow quicker than dark?

yes, blonde beards do grow faster than darker beards

Does shaving grow beard and mustache more faster?

Yes, and it also grows thicker and stronger

How does one grow a beard in a week?

Facial hair grows faster on some men than it does on others. There is no proven way to grow a beard in a week, it in fact takes at least six times that amount of time.

How do you make my beard grow fast?

You can't mak eyour beared gro faster it will drow natuarlly, you can get extentions.

Will amoxicillin make your beard grow in faster?

it seems to me that amoxicillin not only has made my beard grow faster but also is really hard on the liver and also has made my herpes break out worse never drink while taking . wow what fun i useualy have a clear complection but now have there pimples as well

Is a man who has Down syndrome able to grow a beard?

a man is able to grow a beard if his dad is able to grow a beard