Emancipation is only granted in few cases. Those that are granted involve marriage, complete financial independence, or abandonment by parents. The particulars of the law-age, etc-vary from state to state. Not every state allows emancipation.
It normally does not work for someone that young. Most states require you to be at least 16 to file for emancipation.
You have to work through you local court system. * Only a few US states have grounds for the emancipation of minors. Contact the office of the clerk of the circuit court in the county of residence to obtain the state's emancipation status.
There are many things that an emancipation could be referring to. The emancipation could be referring to the Emancipation Proclamation.
Get a lawyer and start the legal paper work. You will go before a judge who will ask you to prove you can support yourself. He will decide if emancipation is a good idea.
The legal age is 18, and yes you can work at a gas station.
There is no relationship between the two other than they use the word emancipation. The Emancipation Proclaimation deals with slavery. Emancipation of Minors deals with children.
The Emancipation Proclomation
When Lincoln was president, the Emancipation Proclamation was to free all of the slaves in the Confederacy. :)
There is no emancipation status for this state.
There is no process for emancipation in Georgia.
Emancipation is the age of adulthood. In Nevada that is 18. If the child gets married, that is considered emancipation.