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The Royal Mint commissions the notes to be printed by secure printers and they are distributed by the Bank of England to the 'clearing' HSBC, Barclays, LloydsTSB and NatWest who put them into circulation either over the counter or through ATM machines. Old notes are received over the counter by the clearing banks and returned to the Bank of England to be shredded and burned.

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Q: How does currency enter circulation in the UK?
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The British crown coin went out of general circulation in 1971 when the UK adopted a decimal currency system. However, commemorative crown coins are still minted for collectors and special occasions.

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Do you need currency money in the UK?

Yes. The currency of the UK is the pound sterling (GBP).

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The coins and notes currently in circulation in the UK will remain as valid currency if Charles becomes King. However, new currency with the Kings head on will be made and the old currency will gradually be phased out. This is assuming that Britain continue to use the Pounds Sterling and do not change to the Euro.

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