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Conditioning allows for a behaviour to be triggered by a certain stimulus. The classic example is that of Pavlov's dogs, whereby dogs were conditioned to salivate upon hearing the sound of a bell because they had learnt to associate the bell with food.

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Q: How does conditioning modify a behavior?
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You are doing an essay on Conditioning and learning you are supposed to write about a behavior to modify. What would be a good behavior for you?

I would like to modify my eating and dressing habits.

How is escape conditioning similar to punishment?

Both escape conditioning and punishment involve the use of aversive stimuli to modify behavior. In escape conditioning, the behavior leads to the termination of the aversive stimulus, while in punishment, the behavior leads to the delivery of the aversive stimulus. Both methods aim to decrease the occurrence of the target behavior.

How do you put the word conditioning in a sentence def.- process of behavior modification by which a subject comes to associate a desired behavior with a previously unrelated stimulus?

The conditioning process involves associating a desired behavior with a stimulus that was previously unrelated, to modify behavior effectively.

What is counter-conditioning?

Counter-conditioning is a behavioral training technique that involves replacing an undesirable behavior with a more desirable one. This is typically achieved by pairing the undesirable behavior with a positive experience to change the animal's emotional response. It is commonly used in animal training to help modify negative behaviors.

In which form of learning is behavior said to be influenced by its consequences?

Behavior is said to be influenced by its consequences in operant conditioning, a form of learning in which behaviors are strengthened or weakened based on the consequences that follow them. This type of learning involves reinforcement and punishment to shape and modify behavior.

Compare and contrast operant and classical conditioning?

Classical conditioning involves forming an association between an involuntary response and a stimulus, while operant conditioning involves forming an association between a voluntary behavior and a consequence. Classical conditioning is passive learning through associations, while operant conditioning is active learning through consequences and rewards. Both types of conditioning aim to modify behavior, but they do so in different ways.

Describe five areas where operant conditioning principles have applied to change behavior?

Education: Teachers use operant conditioning to shape students' behavior through positive reinforcement for good behavior and consequences for undesirable behavior. Business: Employers use operant conditioning to motivate employees through rewards and punishments to improve performance and productivity. Sports: Coaches use operant conditioning techniques to reinforce desired behaviors and skills in athletes, shaping their performance on the field. Therapy: Therapists use operant conditioning to modify behaviors in patients with various mental health conditions, such as phobias, by providing rewards for overcoming fears. Parenting: Parents use operant conditioning to encourage positive behaviors in children by providing rewards for good behavior and consequences for negative behavior.

According to Skinner in classical conditioning behavior is but in operant conditioning behavior is . a. incomplete complete b. forced chosen c. immediate delayed d. unint?

According to Skinner, in classical conditioning behavior is elicited or triggered by a specific stimulus, while in operant conditioning behavior is shaped and maintained by its consequences. This means that in classical conditioning, the behavior is a reflex response to a stimulus, whereas in operant conditioning, behavior is voluntary and influenced by reinforcements or punishments.

What does behaviorists study?

Behaviorists study the behavior of organisms, focusing on how they learn and adapt to their environment through conditioning and reinforcement. They are interested in observing and measuring behavior in order to understand how it is influenced by stimuli and consequences. This approach is often used in psychology and animal training to analyze and modify behavior.

What is conditioning and how is it a learned behavior?

is a birugus

What is counter conditioning that associates an unpleasant state with an unwanted behavior?

Adversive Conditioning.

Focus of behavioral perspective in psychology?

The behavioral perspective in psychology focuses on how observable behaviors are learned and shaped through interactions with the environment. It emphasizes the role of reinforcement and punishment in shaping behavior, as well as the importance of observable behavior rather than internal mental processes. This perspective often uses principles of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and modeling to understand and modify behavior.