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I have been an agent for almost 20 years and I have never had to ask an applicant if they were on medicare for an auto insurance application. It shouldn't raise your rates at all.

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Q: How does being on Medicare affect auto insurance?
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Why is the car insurance required by federal law to send info to medicare?

This is to determine if injuries from an auto accident can be paid from your insurance coverage or from Medicare. Several years ago the Federal government made auto insurance primary for paying for such injuries medical expenses and Medicare would pay secondarily over and above the auto insurance. They also made Medicare secondary to any other insurance you may have from a former employer under a retirement provision. This was a drastic swing of lots of money off of Medicare and onto other insurance programs for payment.

Will supplemental insurance pay for auto claims that medicare doesn't?

If you are speaking of automobile claims, Medicare and Medicare supplements are not related to automobile claims. Automobile insurance should pay the claims related to the vehicle, especially if you were injured. Medicare and Medicare supplements pay hospital and medical bills related to your healthcare.

Does medicare require you to carry medical insurance in your auto policy?

Medicare has nothing to do with auto insurance. Medicare is a Federal program of medical care for the elderly. During one's working life, Medicare taxes are paid to provide the benefit upon retirement or disability. What you may be referring to is "medical payments coverage". It is a a coverage provided by auto policies that is available to pay a portion another party's medical bills in the event of a collision in which he/she is injured.

A type of insurance that was designed to meet the needs of senior citizens is?

Medicare supplemental insurance, also known as Medigap, is a type of insurance designed to supplement Medicare coverage for senior citizens. It helps cover expenses that Medicare may not fully pay for, such as copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles.

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if you dont pay it and get suspended yes it will affect you insurance

Can you get car insurance if you are divorced from a vet?

Being divorced will have no affect on your ability to obtain an automobile insurance policy. Perhaps I don't really understand your question but marital status will have nothing to do with getting auto insurance.

Does Medicare cover hospital costs in an auto accident?

Yes, If there is no other insurance company or policy liable. For example if there is another policy liable, Medicare will share in the cost after the auto policy has paid its responsibility. We have seen cases where Medicare has paid claims and ultimately requested reimbursement from the individual because they later found another auto policy that covered the accident.

Can you buy auto owners insurance after being charged with a DUI?

You can buy auto insurance after a DUI, however it will be more expensisve. If your license is revoked, you cannot get insurance.

You are being demanded for the limit of your coverage auto insurance?

Your insurance agent should be handling this.

Will underage drinking affect your auto insurance?

Any driving offense related to the consumption of alcohol will result in increased auto insurance rates, whether the offender is underage or not.

Will 2 points affect your auto insurance?

i highly doubt it Yes it will. I have 2 pts and my insurance went up by $1k.

How much does Sear auto insurance cost?

The price of Sears auto insurance will depend on the number of vehicles being insured, the age of the person applying for the insurance, and their driving record. Therefore, Sears auto insurance is calculated on a case-by-case basis.