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A presidential candidate wins a state by getting the most popular votes in the election. He typically gets the most popular votes by convincing the majority of voters that they will be better off if he is president that if his opponent if elected.

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12y ago

He/she wins the popular election in that state.

begins with local [ city_state] nominating conventions advance to district nominating convention to state nominating convention then national party nominating convention at each stage the candidate may face a primary challenge

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Q: How does a candidate win a state?
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How does a presidential candidate win the presidential election?

People vote for a candidate. Each state has a given number of electoral votes. Win the state, get the votes from that state. Get more votes than your opponent, and you have been elected.

Will candidate with most popular votes win office of the president?

It is possible that a candidate could win the "national" popular vote total but lose the electoral vote total. However, the electoral vote of every state accurately reflects the popular vote within that state. A candidate could win the electoral votes in a large state such as California winning the state by a huge margin. However, the opposing candidate could win the electoral votes in other states because a majority of the voters in those states vote for the opposing candidate.

How does popular vote relate to electoral votes?

It is possible that a candidate could win the "national" popular vote total but lose the electoral vote total. However, the electoral vote of every state accurately reflects the popular vote within that state. A candidate could win the electoral votes in a large state such as California winning the state by a huge margin. However, the opposing candidate could win the electoral votes in other states because a majority of the voters in those states vote for the opposing candidate.

How can someone win by electoral votes and not by popularity vote?

It is possible that a candidate could win the "national" popular vote total but lose the electoral vote total. However, the electoral vote of every state accurately reflects the popular vote within that state. A candidate could win the electoral votes in a large state such as California winning the state by a huge margin. However, the opposing candidate could win the electoral votes in other states because a majority of the voters in those states vote for the opposing candidate.

Can someone win the general election but lose the electoral votes?

It is possible that a candidate could win the "national" popular vote total but lose the electoral vote total. However, the electoral vote of every state accurately reflects the popular vote within that state. A candidate could win the electoral votes in a large state such as California winning the state by a huge margin. However, the opposing candidate could win the electoral votes in other states because a majority of the voters in those states vote for the opposing candidate.

Can someone win the general election but lose the electoral vote?

It is possible that a candidate could win the "national" popular vote total but lose the electoral vote total. However, the electoral vote of every state accurately reflects the popular vote within that state. A candidate could win the electoral votes in a large state such as California winning the state by a huge margin. However, the opposing candidate could win the electoral votes in other states because a majority of the voters in those states vote for the opposing candidate.

If a state requires a candidate for governor to win by over fifty percent it is called a?


What is it called if a state requires a candidate for governor to win by over fifty percent?


Why would a candidate choose not to campaign in a state?

If a state is considered aas hopeless, a candidate might not campaign there. If victory seems certain in a state, the candidate might also skip that state, but would probably make a token appearance or two to avoid offending anyone or to help Congressional candidates win.

How can candidates receive more votes in the popular vote but lose the election?

It is possible that a candidate could win the "national" popular vote total but lose the electoral vote total. However, the electoral vote of every state accurately reflects the popular vote within that state. A candidate could win the electoral votes in a large state such as California winning the state by a huge margin. However, the opposing candidate could win the electoral votes in other states because a majority of the voters in those states vote for the opposing candidate.

How can presidential candidates receive the largest number of popular votes but can lose the election?

It is possible that a candidate could win the "national" popular vote total but lose the electoral vote total. However, the electoral vote of every state accurately reflects the popular vote within that state. A candidate could win the electoral votes in a large state such as California winning the state by a huge margin. However, the opposing candidate could win the electoral votes in other states because a majority of the voters in those states vote for the opposing candidate.

What is the purpose of the state popular vote?

"Popular Vote" is the majority of a state's vote. If a candidate for president with the most popular votes in a state gets all of that state's electorial votes. An Example: More than half of Nevada's vote goes to candidate B than A, then Candidate B gets the electorial vote for Nevada which is five.