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move with it's feet and it's tail, of course!!

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Q: How does a American crocodile move?
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Related questions

What can a crocodile not move?

When a crocodile gets cold they can not move

When was American crocodile created?

American crocodile was created in 1807.

Can a American crocodile beat a nile crocodile?

The american crocodile lives in the continent of americas. The nile crocodile lives in africa. They will never meet each other.

Is an American crocodile stronger than a nile crocodile?


What animal is related to American crocodile?

the australian crocodile

Is the American crocodile as big as the Australian crocodile?

They are the seme

What crocodile inhabits the American south east?

The American crocodile is found in extreme south Florida.

What kind of animal is American crocodile?

The American crocodile goes by the scientific name Crocodylus acutus. It is a reptile in the Crocodilydae family. This type of crocodile is indigenous to the Neotropics.

Which animal can neither move its tongue nor can it chew?


What are the 23 different species of crocodiles?

Some of the 23 different species of crocodiles include the American crocodile, Nile crocodile, saltwater crocodile, Cuban crocodile, and Siamese crocodile. Crocodiles are found in various habitats across different continents and exhibit unique characteristics that distinguish each species.

What effects are being done to protect the American crocodile?

People protect the American Crocodile by leaving it alone and not killing any of it.

How much does an American corcodile cost?

It is depending on size and weight of the crocodile, and the American crocodile will cost $5000-1000 dollors.