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It affects a person physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. They often have delayed development which means that they develop slower than other people. The delayed development normally affects physially and intellectually. They are affected emotionally because they have anger problems although they also are gentle and kind. They are affected social because there speech doesn't develop as fast as other children which means that they can socialize with other people which are the same age as them - this often affects them when they are young.

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Q: How does Down syndrome affect a child's learning?
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What race does Down syndrome affect?

Down Syndrome affects all races. Down Syndrome does not affect all races evenly its affects Mexicans more than any one else. Hispanics have larger numbers of live births suffering from Down Syndrome because they do not terminate their DS pregnancies, like other races do.

How does down syndrome affect you intellectual?

Down syndrome is the most common genetic cause of learning disabilities in children. People with Down syndrome often have trouble remembering things they have learned and have no motivation to remember things that has no physical meaning to them. Down syndrome causes mild to severe mental retardation. Mental retardation is recognized as impaired learning, social, and vocational ability. This means that cognitive development is stunted. Children with Down syndrome often have to learn in special Ed classes, as normal classes may not be meeting the child's learning needs. Although individuals with Down syndrome can graduate high school, most will only have the IQ of an 8 year old. Another common problem with cognitive development for children with Down syndrome is the ability to generalize - to apply what they have learned in one a situation to another situation. Children with Down syndrome often have to be taught one thing multiply times. Short attention spans have been noted in children with Down syndrome.

Does down syndrome affect any organs?

It Could Do.

How did down syndrome affect stephane ginnsz?

it didn't.....she just had a slower time processing things...all down syndrome people do...

How do you get the disease that freak and max have in Freak the Mighty?

Freak has Morquio Syndrome and your parents (both) have to pass it down. Max has a learning disability and you get that when an unknown factor or factors affect your brain, I think at birth.

Where does Down syndrome affect the most?

It is found in all places the same.

What effects on an individual does downs syndrome cause?

Down syndrome mainly affects the persons physical features but it also affects their learning abilities.

Is it politically correct to call someone 'Down syndrome'?

It is acceptable to say that someone has Down Syndrome, although it may not be necessary to say it since the syndrome does have a characteristic affect on facial features which can be observed.

How does down syndrome affect homeostasis?

Down syndrome can affect homeostasis by impacting the body's ability to regulate various physiological processes such as temperature, blood pressure, and hormone levels. Individuals with Down syndrome may experience challenges with maintaining equilibrium in these systems, leading to potential health complications. It's important for individuals with Down syndrome to receive regular medical monitoring and support to help manage these effects on homeostasis.

Can people with Down's Syndrome become pregnant?

Yes, Down's Syndrome does not affect the ability to have children. Men with Down's Syndrome can father children in very rare circumstances, women with Down's Syndrome have about 50% chance of miscarriage.

Can children with Down syndrome learn to read?

* Yes; my sister's friend has Down syndrome and he is learning Italian. * People with Down syndrome can have widely varying levels of disability. Many are quite high functioning and are very capable of learning other languages. That said, one of the early developmental delays that manifest in Down syndrome toddlers is typically communication and speech problems. This is partly due to an anatomically caused difficulty with use of their tongues and partly because it is just one of the slower developing skills in many Down syndrome children. They can be much more proficient in sign language than in verbal language -- especially when just learning to communicate -- and it is often their first language.

What is Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a life-long genetic condition that causes certain physical characteristics and delays in learning and development. In the majority of cases, Down syndrome occurs because of a spontaneous occurrence at around the time of conception that results in the baby having an extra copy of Chromosome 21 in every cell in their body.In most cases, Down syndrome is not inherited. The reason for Down syndrome is unknown. It can happen to anyone.People with the syndrome will have a degree of learning difficulty. This means that it takes longer to process information and to learn new skills, and that tasks and learning may need to be broken down into smaller steps.If someone has learning difficulties, it means that they may not learn things as quickly as other people and they may need more help and support to learn. With the right kind of help, however, many people can acquire practical and social skills even if this takes them longer than usual. Most people with Down syndrome will walk and talk; and many will read and write, go to ordinary schools, and lead fulfilling, semi-independent lives with some support.Myths about Down syndrome put straightPeople with Down syndrome cannot achieve life goals: The vast majority of people with Down syndrome learn to walk and talk, and many are attending mainstream schools, passing GCSE's and living full, semi-independent adult lives.People with Down syndrome all look the same: Certain physical characteristics are similar. But someone with Down syndrome will always look more like his or her close family than someone else with the condition.People with Down syndrome are always happy and affectionate: People with Down syndrome are no different to anyone else in their character traits and varying moods.