Washington's Birthday. There is no federal holiday called Presidents Day regardless of spelling.
Grammatically, Presidents' Day is NOT correct. The correct spelling should have no apostrophes at all as the day does not BELONG to the presidents, therefore it is not possessive.
Presidents' Day was February 18 in 2008.
Presidents is plural and possessive, so the apostrophe goes at the end: Presidents' Day.
Presidents' Day exists and Empire's Day does not.
Joe Biden
Presidents' Day was February 15, 2016.
presidents day start to honer all the presidents.
Presumably it is to honor presidents Washington and Lincoln; however, as a federal holiday it does not really exist -- the federal holiday is Washington's Birthday.Some states have a Presidents' Day holiday (some state laws spell it Presidents Day or even President's Day) and each state can assign its own purpose to the holiday, so in some states it honors all past presidents.As a popular holiday, it is mostly the creation of retail stores.
Presidents' Day (officially known as "Washington's Birthday", but also known as "President's Day" and "Presidents Day") commemorates the accomplishments of the various Presidents of the United States.It mostly honors presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
Presidents' Day in 2013 is on Monday, the 18th of February.In the United States, Presidents Day is always celebrated on the third Monday of February.