The spelling "customisation" is used in the UK, but in the US it is customization.
customization means in marketing
Uni- Peophin- ♥ Panquequeswithsyrup ♥
Nothing, they are pretty much the same, but the cases make it very hard for the customisation of hardware
There is no password for the guest account. The only customisation available for the guest account is turning it off or on.
no but try searching up car customisation down loader
Press start once the game has loaded, go to the right, go to appearance and Boom. Armour Customisation.
Most modern video games offer some degree of customisation, if only in tailoring your skills and abilities.
Armour classes in Halo 2 only consist of Elite and Spartan. The only customisation allowed is colour. Recon armour is unobtainable.
You can purchase racing tires from various dealerships and garages that offer customisation to vehicles. Alternatively you can purchase some from the amazon shopping website.
Live journal has a lovely section on the customisation of pages. It gives you hints and tip to get the best out of your page simply by changing the layout.
You can't customize the cars. The only thing you can do to improve car performances is to buy Ebay cars which can be a little faster than their stock versions.